DUARA Foundation
DUARA Foundation works pro bono to strengthen young activists and local organizations in Kenyan ghettos working on social justice and economic empowerment of marginalized groups. It aims to help local activists, organizations and initiatives with academic research, capacity building and contacts to develop projects, develop advocacy strategies and connect to donor organizations as eligible partners in inclusive urban development, peace building and civic education projects.
An example of our work: Community dialogues (Mazungumzo Mtaani in Kiswahili)
Alongside academic research into political violence, security, gang formation and police brutality, DUARA projects have focused on promoting gang dialogues in Nairobi slums.These dialogues have evolved into democratic safe spaces in several Nairobi slums and now include different social groups (i.e. youth, women etc.).These spaces enable such groups to work together on solving crime from a human rights perspective, on community-led development and on civic education. DUARA also supports young activists, who emerge from these spaces, with funds, research and advocacy plans, and by connecting them to relevant organizations to help them push for social justice on police killings, corruption and general abuses of power.